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Pests and Diseases
  In the Mediterranean area, the major pest is the carob moth, Myelois ceratoniae. It lays eggs on the flowers or newly-formed pods and the larvae bore into the pods and ruin them. The larvae of a midge, Asphondylia gennadii, cause stunting of the pods. Some of the best cultivars are resistant to these pests.

In Cyprus, the tree is subject to several scale insects: Aspidiotus ceratoniae, Lecanium sp., Lepidosaphes sp. and the red scale, Aonidiella aurantii. A beetle, Cerambyx velutinus, may bore holes in the trunk. Rats climb the trees, hide among the branches, gnaw the bark until the branches die. Such branches are pruned out twice a year. The only pests reported as attacking carob trees in California are scale insects, including the red scale. Ground squirrels feed on plants under 2 years of age. Pocket gophers are very fond of carob roots, and rabbits and deer graze on the young trees.

Diseases are few. In Cyprus, deformation of young pods may be caused by the fungus Oidium ceratoniae. Cercospora ceratoniae occasionally induces leaf-spotting.

NAVEL ORANGEWORM, Amyelois transitella & CAROB MOTH Ectomyelois ceratoniae & their Natural ParasitoidsPupae of navel orangeworm
carob moth